Using the Double Diamond for product strategy and development

Joining strategy together with the execution of the right solution challenges most teams today. It’s difficult for many reasons. Defining a strategy is not a static exercise. Predicting the future is difficult, full of uncertainty, and new information is always being discovered. Complicating things further, teams often divide responsibility for strategy and execution. This makes …

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Pragmatic Product Strategy – Presented at XConf 2014

This talk explores new ways of framing the work we do in order to create effective software products. A super-pragmatic model of thinking and doing that promises to bring together technologists, designers and business folks alike, across the entire software delivery lifecycle.Watch the video at

An approach to end-to-end product development

There are a number of different models/approaches/frameworks for product strategy and delivery. Many of them I don’t like terribly much, because of a tendency to break apart the sum components (business strategy, design, delivery) into disparate phases – often with gating process in between. This is mostly unhelpful, and not conducive to responding to change – either because of what is learnt along the way, or some other business factor.
So, recently somebody asked me what my ideal approach for end-to-end product development looks like.
It’s a straight-forward question, but not an entirely straight-forward answer.

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Designing for Voice Interactions at UX Australia

I am chuffed that the organisers of UXAustralia invited me to talk at the single-track mobile conference – Designing for Mobility this year. The day was packed with really interesting talks, and I was pleased to share the stage with some terrific presenters on the day. Designing for Voice Interactions (UXAustralia) from Jonny Schneider

Talking at Quarterly Technology Briefing: ThoughtWorks Australia

I was pleased this year to present on mobile experience design, product strategy and technical approaches to mobile app development with my colleague Stewart Gleadow as part of ThoughtWorks’ Quarterly Technology Briefing in Australia this August.  Mobile: More than just an app from Jonny Schneider